When you speak purpose is power


Standing out as a memorable speaker and clear presenter can open new doors to you, and help you establish credibility as a leader in your field. A very effective way to stand out while you speak is to have a clear sense of purpose. Here are a few tips to help you when you next … Read more

An Analysis of Daenerys speech from Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones is one of the most successful TV shows in history. Largely because of the depth of its plot and of the intrigues between its characters. Many leadership lessons can be learned from the show and from the books on which the show is based. The recent Season 8 finale also featured a … Read more

What’s your objective when you speak?

During the hundreds of Toastmasters meetings, I’ve attended since joining in 2013, I’ve witnessed over a thousand speakers delivering speeches on pretty much any topic. Nevertheless, only a minority of speeches stand out in my memory as memorable speeches. Those that do have one powerful characteristic in common, the speaker had crystal clear objectives in … Read more